Divorce Records Search in Pennsylvania
Public Divorce Records in Pennsylvania.Date of divorce , Names of spouses , Grounds for divorce , Division of assets , Alimony/spousal support , Child custody arrangements , Child support payments , and Court documents/hearings can be accessed publicly.
Adams County9 RecordsAllegheny County12 RecordsArmstrong County7 RecordsBeaver County9 RecordsBedford County7 RecordsBerks County14 RecordsBlair County7 RecordsBradford County5 RecordsBucks County7 RecordsButler County9 RecordsCambria County6 RecordsCameron County5 RecordsCarbon County5 RecordsCentre County8 RecordsChester County12 RecordsClarion County8 RecordsClearfield County5 RecordsClinton County7 RecordsColumbia County4 RecordsCrawford County4 RecordsCumberland County8 RecordsDauphin County6 RecordsDelaware County9 RecordsElk County6 RecordsErie County8 RecordsFayette County7 RecordsForest County5 RecordsFranklin County7 RecordsFulton County6 RecordsGreene County3 RecordsHuntingdon County5 RecordsIndiana County7 RecordsJefferson County5 RecordsJuniata County3 RecordsLackawanna County8 RecordsLancaster County14 RecordsLawrence County7 RecordsLebanon County6 RecordsLehigh County12 RecordsLuzerne County5 RecordsLycoming County5 RecordsMcKean County5 RecordsMercer County12 RecordsMifflin County6 RecordsMonroe County9 RecordsMontgomery County14 RecordsMontour County10 RecordsNorthampton County5 RecordsNorthumberland County5 RecordsPerry County5 RecordsPhiladelphia County8 RecordsPike County7 RecordsPotter County7 RecordsSchuylkill County10 RecordsSnyder County3 RecordsSomerset County4 RecordsSullivan County4 RecordsSusquehanna County9 RecordsTioga County8 RecordsUnion County6 RecordsVenango County3 RecordsWarren County6 RecordsWashington County8 RecordsWayne County5 RecordsWestmoreland County14 RecordsWyoming County6 RecordsYork County10 Records