Land Records and Deeds Search in Ohio
Public Land Records and Deeds in Ohio.Property Tax Records, Land Surveys, Title Deeds, Property Maps, Land Grants, Homestead Records, Land Patents, and Mineral Rights Records can be accessed publicly.
Adams County7 RecordsAllen County11 RecordsAshland County10 RecordsAshtabula County11 RecordsAthens County13 RecordsAuglaize County13 RecordsBelmont County16 RecordsBrown County11 RecordsButler County17 RecordsCarroll County8 RecordsChampaign County15 RecordsClark County11 RecordsClermont County20 RecordsClinton County13 RecordsColumbiana County10 RecordsCoshocton County15 RecordsCrawford County10 RecordsCuyahoga County33 RecordsDarke County8 RecordsDefiance County8 RecordsDelaware County14 RecordsErie County17 RecordsFairfield County12 RecordsFayette County13 RecordsFranklin County35 RecordsFulton County12 RecordsGallia County12 RecordsGeauga County11 RecordsGreene County22 RecordsGuernsey County15 RecordsHamilton County22 RecordsHancock County13 RecordsHardin County11 RecordsHarrison County7 RecordsHenry County12 RecordsHighland County11 RecordsHocking County10 RecordsHolmes County14 RecordsHuron County9 RecordsJackson County9 RecordsJefferson County19 RecordsKnox County15 RecordsLake County17 RecordsLawrence County16 RecordsLicking County16 RecordsLogan County14 RecordsLorain County19 RecordsLucas County19 RecordsMadison County17 RecordsMahoning County14 RecordsMarion County15 RecordsMedina County17 RecordsMeigs County4 RecordsMercer County12 RecordsMiami County10 RecordsMonroe County10 RecordsMontgomery County26 RecordsMorgan County7 RecordsMorrow County9 RecordsMuskingum County14 RecordsNoble County5 RecordsOttawa County10 RecordsPaulding County12 RecordsPerry County9 RecordsPickaway County14 RecordsPike County8 RecordsPortage County13 RecordsPreble County6 RecordsPutnam County14 RecordsRichland County9 RecordsRoss County11 RecordsSandusky County12 RecordsScioto County9 RecordsSeneca County7 RecordsShelby County12 RecordsStark County23 RecordsSummit County21 RecordsTrumbull County17 RecordsTuscarawas County12 RecordsUnion County13 RecordsVan Wert County9 RecordsVinton County4 RecordsWarren County18 RecordsWashington County12 RecordsWayne County11 RecordsWilliams County15 RecordsWood County13 RecordsWyandot County9 Records