Land Records and Deeds Search in New Mexico
Public Land Records and Deeds in New Mexico.Property Tax Records, Land Surveys, Title Deeds, Property Maps, Land Grants, Homestead Records, Land Patents, and Mineral Rights Records can be accessed publicly.
Bernalillo County26 RecordsCatron County6 RecordsChaves County9 RecordsCibola County9 RecordsColfax County6 RecordsCurry County8 RecordsEddy County9 RecordsGrant County10 RecordsGuadalupe County3 RecordsHarding County1 RecordHidalgo County7 RecordsLea County8 RecordsLincoln County11 RecordsLos Alamos County9 RecordsLuna County6 RecordsMcKinley County10 RecordsMora County5 RecordsOtero County17 RecordsQuay County3 RecordsRio Arriba County5 RecordsRoosevelt County11 RecordsSan Juan County17 RecordsSan Miguel County5 RecordsSandoval County10 RecordsSanta Fe County11 RecordsSierra County6 RecordsSocorro County9 RecordsTaos County11 RecordsTorrance County6 RecordsUnion County6 RecordsValencia County11 Records