Crimes and Crime Data Search in Missouri
Public Crimes and Crime Data in Missouri.Violent crime statistics, Property crime statistics, Arrest records, Conviction records, Sex offender registries, Juvenile crime records, Victim records, and Police reports can be accessed publicly.
Adair County3 RecordsAndrew County2 RecordsAtchison County1 RecordAudrain County1 RecordBarry County4 RecordsBates County3 RecordsBenton County1 RecordBollinger County2 RecordsBoone County24 RecordsBuchanan County8 RecordsButler County2 RecordsCaldwell County1 RecordCallaway County5 RecordsCamden County3 RecordsCape Girardeau County8 RecordsCarter County2 RecordsCass County13 RecordsCedar County2 RecordsChristian County5 RecordsClark County1 RecordClay County9 RecordsClinton County1 RecordCole County6 RecordsCooper County1 RecordCrawford County3 RecordsDallas County2 RecordsDaviess County1 RecordDeKalb County1 RecordDent County1 RecordDouglas County4 RecordsDunklin County2 RecordsFranklin County3 RecordsGasconade County1 RecordGreene County21 RecordsGrundy County1 RecordHarrison County1 RecordHenry County4 RecordsHickory County1 RecordHolt County1 RecordHowell County2 RecordsJackson County36 RecordsJasper County16 RecordsJefferson County7 RecordsJohnson County7 RecordsLaclede County3 RecordsLafayette County1 RecordLawrence County7 RecordsLincoln County4 RecordsLivingston County6 RecordsMacon County2 RecordsMadison County1 RecordMarion County2 RecordsMcDonald County3 RecordsMississippi County1 RecordMonroe County1 RecordMontgomery County1 RecordMorgan County2 RecordsNewton County3 RecordsNodaway County2 RecordsOregon County5 RecordsOsage County1 RecordOzark County1 RecordPemiscot County1 RecordPerry County2 RecordsPettis County1 RecordPhelps County2 RecordsPike County1 RecordPlatte County8 RecordsPolk County3 RecordsPulaski County4 RecordsRandolph County1 RecordRay County1 RecordReynolds County5 RecordsSaline County1 RecordScott County4 RecordsShannon County1 RecordSt. Charles County14 RecordsSt. Clair County1 RecordSt. Francois County3 RecordsSt. Louis County47 RecordsSte. Genevieve County3 RecordsStone County2 RecordsTaney County4 RecordsTexas County1 RecordVernon County1 RecordWarren County6 RecordsWebster County1 RecordWright County1 Record