Assessor and Property Tax Records Search in Minnesota
Public Assessor and Property Tax Records in Minnesota.Property owner name, Property address, Property tax amount, Property tax year, Property tax status, Property tax payment history, Property tax exemptions, Property tax assessment history, and Property tax assessment value can be accessed publicly.
Aitkin County15 RecordsAnoka County25 RecordsBecker County21 RecordsBeltrami County11 RecordsBenton County20 RecordsBig Stone County14 RecordsBlue Earth County12 RecordsBrown County12 RecordsCarlton County11 RecordsCarver County17 RecordsCass County16 RecordsChippewa County10 RecordsChisago County16 RecordsClay County19 RecordsClearwater County15 RecordsCook County11 RecordsCottonwood County8 RecordsCrow Wing County18 RecordsDakota County50 RecordsDodge County11 RecordsDouglas County13 RecordsFaribault County11 RecordsFillmore County17 RecordsFreeborn County11 RecordsGoodhue County20 RecordsGrant County11 RecordsHennepin County101 RecordsHouston County7 RecordsHubbard County11 RecordsIsanti County15 RecordsItasca County13 RecordsJackson County7 RecordsKanabec County8 RecordsKandiyohi County14 RecordsKittson County7 RecordsKoochiching County13 RecordsLac qui Parle County9 RecordsLake County11 RecordsLake of the Woods County12 RecordsLe Sueur County11 RecordsLincoln County12 RecordsLyon County11 RecordsMahnomen County7 RecordsMarshall County5 RecordsMartin County9 RecordsMcLeod County12 RecordsMeeker County10 RecordsMille Lacs County9 RecordsMorrison County13 RecordsMower County13 RecordsMurray County13 RecordsNicollet County12 RecordsNobles County8 RecordsNorman County7 RecordsOlmsted County17 RecordsOtter Tail County12 RecordsPennington County8 RecordsPine County13 RecordsPipestone County8 RecordsPolk County10 RecordsPope County10 RecordsRamsey County28 RecordsRed Lake County5 RecordsRedwood County6 RecordsRenville County10 RecordsRice County18 RecordsRock County7 RecordsRoseau County8 RecordsScott County18 RecordsSherburne County21 RecordsSibley County10 RecordsSt. Louis County26 RecordsStearns County13 RecordsSteele County14 RecordsStevens County6 RecordsSwift County7 RecordsTodd County11 RecordsTraverse County6 RecordsWabasha County9 RecordsWadena County11 RecordsWaseca County9 RecordsWashington County19 RecordsWatonwan County6 RecordsWilkin County7 RecordsWinona County21 RecordsWright County15 RecordsYellow Medicine County8 Records