Foreclosures and Tax Lien Sales Search in Logan County,North Dakota
Public Foreclosures and Tax Lien Sales in Logan County,North Dakota.Property address, Property owner, Sale date, Sale price, Lien amount, Lien holder, Redemption period, and Foreclosure type can be accessed publicly.
Assessor, Tax Equalization Director
Assessor and Property Tax Records, GIS and Mapping
Logan County Tax Equalization Office
301 Broadway, Napoleon, ND 58561
301 Broadway, Napoleon, ND 58561
Phone: (701)754-2239
Fax: (701)754-2280
Recorder of Deeds, Marriage and Divorce Records
Divorce Records, Land Records and Deeds, Marriage Records
Logan County Recorder and Clerk of Court
301 Broadway, Napoleon, ND 58561
301 Broadway, Napoleon, ND 58561
Phone: (701) 754-2751
Fax: (701) 754-2270
Delinquent Taxes
Assessor and Property Tax Records, Foreclosures and Tax Lien Sales
Logan County Treasurer
301 Broadway, Napoleon, ND 58561
301 Broadway, Napoleon, ND 58561
Phone: (701) 754-2286
Fax: (701) 754-2280
Tax Sales and Elections
Foreclosures and Tax Lien Sales, Voter and Elections Information
Logan County Auditor
301 Broadway, Napoleon, ND 58561
301 Broadway, Napoleon, ND 58561
Phone: (701) 754-2425
Fax: (701) 754-2280
Logan County Auditor Website
Assessor and Property Tax Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Employee Directory, Jail and Inmate Records, Land Records and Deeds
View Logan County Auditor home page, including hours, phone number, and address.
Logan County Tax Director Website
Assessor and Property Tax Records, Employee Directory, Land Records and Deeds
View Logan County Tax Director general information including contact information and office hours.
Logan County Treasurer Website
Assessor and Property Tax Records, Employee Directory, Land Records and Deeds, Property Records
View Logan County Treasurer home page, including hours, phone number, and address.
Logan County Property Records Search
Browse by County
Cass County
Burleigh County25
Grand Forks County15
Morton County15
Stutsman County14
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Ramsey County13
Stark County12
Williams County12
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Sheridan County11
Ward County11
Golden Valley County10
McKenzie County10
Mountrail County10
Richland County10
Traill County10
Walsh County10
Billings County9
McHenry County9
Rolette County9
Sargent County9
Bowman County8
Dickey County8
Divide County8
Emmons County8
Foster County8
LaMoure County8
McLean County8
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Pembina County7
Pierce County7
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McIntosh County4