Assessor and Property Tax Records Search in Colorado
Public Assessor and Property Tax Records in Colorado.Property owner name, Property address, Property tax amount, Property tax year, Property tax status, Property tax payment history, Property tax exemptions, Property tax assessment history, and Property tax assessment value can be accessed publicly.
Adams County42 RecordsAlamosa County8 RecordsArapahoe County44 RecordsArchuleta County20 RecordsBaca County6 RecordsBent County4 RecordsBoulder County34 RecordsBroomfield County18 RecordsChaffee County9 RecordsCheyenne County7 RecordsClear Creek County17 RecordsConejos County9 RecordsCostilla County7 RecordsCrowley County6 RecordsCuster County10 RecordsDelta County17 RecordsDenver County18 RecordsDolores County8 RecordsDouglas County40 RecordsEagle County28 RecordsEl Paso County36 RecordsElbert County12 RecordsFremont County19 RecordsGarfield County24 RecordsGilpin County17 RecordsGrand County22 RecordsGunnison County19 RecordsHinsdale County6 RecordsHuerfano County7 RecordsJackson County6 RecordsJefferson County37 RecordsKiowa County5 RecordsKit Carson County7 RecordsLa Plata County9 RecordsLake County12 RecordsLarimer County46 RecordsLas Animas County7 RecordsLincoln County12 RecordsLogan County8 RecordsMesa County29 RecordsMineral County6 RecordsMoffat County9 RecordsMontezuma County13 RecordsMontrose County24 RecordsMorgan County17 RecordsOtero County8 RecordsOuray County14 RecordsPark County26 RecordsPhillips County7 RecordsPitkin County13 RecordsProwers County6 RecordsPueblo County27 RecordsRio Blanco County15 RecordsRio Grande County10 RecordsRoutt County21 RecordsSaguache County7 RecordsSan Juan County10 RecordsSan Miguel County15 RecordsSedgwick County5 RecordsSummit County17 RecordsTeller County19 RecordsWashington County12 RecordsWeld County26 RecordsYuma County8 Records