Public Defender Office in California
Find all Offices related to Public Defender Office in California to gain valuable information on Legal Representation, Court Appearances, Plea Negotiations, Case Preparation, Appeals, and Post-Conviction Relief.
Alameda County2 Offices Calaveras County1 Office Contra Costa County1 Office El Dorado County2 Offices Fresno County1 Office Humboldt County1 Office Imperial County1 Office Inyo County1 Office Kern County1 Office Los Angeles County9 Offices Madera County1 Office Marin County1 Office Mendocino County1 Office Merced County1 Office Monterey County1 Office Napa County1 Office Nevada County1 Office Orange County1 Office Placer County1 Office Riverside County4 Offices Sacramento County1 Office San Bernardino County5 Offices San Diego County2 Offices San Joaquin County1 Office Santa Barbara County2 Offices Santa Clara County3 Offices Santa Cruz County1 Office Shasta County1 Office Siskiyou County1 Office Solano County1 Office Sonoma County1 Office Stanislaus County1 Office Sutter County1 Office Tulare County1 Office Tuolumne County1 Office Ventura County1 Office Yolo County1 Office Yuba County1 Office